About Us

The Chicago Area's Premier Hiking Club

Who we are

Day-hiking is what we're about. The majority of our hikes are located around the Chicago area in northeastern Illinois. We also hike in other areas of Illinois as well as in Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan. Newcomers are usually amazed at the wide variety of beautiful hiking areas that are available within a reasonable driving distance from Chicago. Non-members are always welcome to join us to see if they enjoy hiking with the club. Most hikes are scheduled for every Sunday morning of the year unless otherwise indicated on our formal hike schedule. Occasionally we have a Saturday hike or a two-day weekend trip which may involve an overnight stay. We hike in all weather conditions. Our typical hike is 10-12 miles in length but there are some that are longer. We usually hike at a fairly brisk pace (3+ mph) geared for the majority. Those joining us should be sure that they can complete the designated distance before coming on a hike, as there are no dropout points on most hikes. The average hike takes 4 to 5 hours to complete, not counting travel time to and from the hike location. There is no advance sign-up required for hikes so it's easy to join in the fun. If you decide to go on a hike just show up on time at the starting location and you're ready to go! You should bring proper clothing for the weather, wear hiking boots or sturdy shoes and carry sufficient water. Also be sure to pack a lunch for that well-deserved lunch break along the trail.